Can You Get Dental Implants with Bone Loss?

Dental implants are a popular and effective tooth replacement option. The question of whether dental implants are feasible with bone loss is a common concern. Dental implants may be challenging for individuals with significant bone loss in their jaws, as traditional implants require a certain amount of bone for secure embedding. Read on for a full explanation of the dental technology and alternative approaches that have expanded the possibilities for those with bone loss.

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Can You Get Dental Implants with Bone Loss?

How Can People With Bone Loss Receive Dental Implants?

In most cases, individuals with bone loss may still be eligible for dental implants. Bone grafting procedures can be employed to augment the existing bone, providing the necessary support for implant placement. This involves the transplantation of bone tissue to the deficient area, promoting bone regeneration, and creating a stable foundation for the implant.

What are Acceptable Levels of Bone Loss With Implants?

The criteria for acceptable bone loss around dental implants can vary, but a commonly used standard is to aim for less than 0.2 mm of marginal bone loss per year after the first year of implantation. This criteria is often used to assess the success of implants. Alternative options, such as shorter implants or angled implants, may also be considered based on the individual's condition. These alternatives aim to work around the limitations of bone loss, allowing for the successful integration of dental implants.

Why Consulting Your Oral Surgeon on Implants is Crucial

Individuals with bone loss can explore dental implants, but a thorough assessment by a qualified oral surgeon is crucial to determine the most suitable approach. Advances in dental techniques and technologies, along with personalized treatment plans, have made dental implants a viable solution, even in cases of bone loss. Consulting with dental professionals can provide insights into the available options and guide individuals toward achieving successful outcomes despite bone loss challenges.


Why is Monitoring Bone Loss Important with Dental Implants?

When a tooth is lost, it not only affects the specific area of the mouth but also the surrounding bone. Over time, the weakened or decaying bone structure in the jaw can impact nearby teeth, gum tissue, and overall oral health. Addressing lost or missing teeth promptly is crucial to preserving the integrity of the jaw structure. Dental implants play a vital role in this preservation by preventing bone resorption and maintaining the natural structure of the jawbone.

It's crucial for individuals considering dental implants to undergo a comprehensive evaluation by a qualified dental professional. The evaluation will include assessing the quantity and quality of available bone, considering the specific characteristics of the implant system to be used, and determining the overall oral health of the patient.

Ultimately, the decision on whether bone loss is too much for a dental implant depends on individual circumstances, and thorough consultation with a dental professional is essential to make informed decisions about implant placement and long-term success. Factors contributing to bone loss include age, gender, smoking, poor diet, periodontal disease, trauma to the teeth, misalignment, and major infections.


What is Bone Grafting?

For dental implants to be successful, it's essential to have healthy gums and enough bone to support the implant. However, if there's insufficient bone in the jaw, bone grafting becomes a viable option. Bone grafting is a procedure that builds the foundation to prepare for a dental implant. It is performed when the existing bone is too thin, damaged, or unable to support a dental implant. This procedure lays the groundwork for successful dental implant placement.


Other Options to Get Dental Implants with Severe Bone Loss

In cases where severe bone loss poses a challenge for traditional dental implants, alternative options may be explored. These alternatives are designed to accommodate individuals with significant bone loss and restore their quality of life. By addressing bone loss through various techniques, individuals can still benefit from dental implants without the need for extensive bone grafting procedures. Be sure to consult your dental professional to ensure there are no stones unturned when deciding the method that’s best for you.


Schedule a Dental Implants Consultation with Tanty Family Dental

If you have a history of bone loss and want to explore if dental implants for a restored smile are still an option for you, request a consultation with Dr. Tanty at Tanty Family Dental. Dr. Tanty and his team specialize in helping patients find solutions to achieve their dream smile. Our dental office is located off East Sunset Drive in Waukesha, WI.


If you're considering dental implants and have concerns about bone loss, consult with our dental professionals at Tanty Family Dental.


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Dental Implants with Bone Loss FAQs

Can I get dental implants if I have bone loss in my jaws?

Yes, individuals with bone loss may still be eligible for dental implants. Additional steps, such as bone grafting procedures, can be employed to augment the existing bone and provide the necessary support for implant placement. Alternative options, like shorter or angled implants, may also be considered based on individual conditions.

Why is bone important in dental implants?

When a tooth is lost, it affects not only the specific area of the mouth but also the surrounding bone. Dental implants play a crucial role in preserving the jawbone structure by preventing bone resorption. Preserving the integrity of the jawbone is essential for overall oral health, preventing impacts on nearby teeth, gum tissue, and maintaining facial structure.

What is bone grafting, and when is it necessary for dental implants?

Bone grafting is a procedure performed when there's insufficient bone in the jaw to support a dental implant. It involves transplanting bone tissue to the deficient area, promoting bone regeneration. This procedure is essential to build a solid foundation for successful dental implant placement when the existing bone is too thin, damaged, or unable to support the implant.

Are there alternatives for dental implants with severe bone loss?

Yes, alternative options are available for individuals with significant bone loss. These alternatives are designed to accommodate severe bone loss without extensive bone grafting. Consulting with a dental professional is crucial to explore these options, ensuring that individuals can still benefit from dental implants and restore their quality of life.

How long do dental implants last, and what is the procedure like?

Dental implants serve as a long-term solution for replacing missing teeth. With proper care, they can last for years. The dental implant procedure typically involves two appointments. During the first appointment, the titanium implant is placed into the jawbone, followed by a healing period. The second appointment involves attaching an abutment and a custom-made artificial tooth (crown) securely to the implant, restoring function, appearance, and overall oral health.